
Showing posts from 2019

No default service level objective found of edition "GeneralPurpose"

Hi all I got this issue while deploying my .net web application into Azure . In my application I was creating the Database by EnityFramework Code first approach . So after deploying the application to azure ,I changed the connection string . Then when I run my application , I see this error message " No default service level objective found of edition"GeneralPurpose".   This was my connection string. <connectionStrings> <add name= "CodeFirstDataBase" connectionString= "Data,1437;Initial Catalog=SchoolCodeFirstDB; User ID=testn;Password=admin;Integrated Security=false;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;App=EntityFramework;" providerName= "System.Data.EntityClient" /> </connectionStrings> So I investigated a lot but could not get a exact solution for it . But this fix worked for me . I just changed  the connection string provide name from  providerName= "System.Dat...

Angular 7 application within 5 minutes.

Here I am showing a Angular 7 Hello World application within 2 minutes . In this tutorial I will show you the demo application without brief descriptions . Although I am not describing about the application briefly but it is very interesting . You will just see how easily we can build the Angular 7 application just by few commands.   So before starting this tutorial you should have some basic things. Your machine should have Node.Js and NPM installed . So Lets get started . Step-1 :  Please open command prompt . Step -2 : Then please check the  node.js version by this below command node -v (node.js version should be 8.x or 10.x ) If this given version is not there then please update it below commands npm install npm@latest -g Step-3 : Then please install Angular CLI. Please run the below commands. npm install -g @angular/cli Step- 4 : In this steps just create a work space to create a new angular project . To create the new work space please r...