
Showing posts from March, 2018

Javascript : Hoisting and the Temporal Dead Zone

In Javascript we can declare a variable by var keyword (ES5). But in ES6 we can declare a variable by let and const . As we have a lots a difference between var and let/const  but Temporal Dead zone is one of them.       Let me put an example here     console.log(test);     var test;     test= "I'm a checking";    is equivalent to       var test;     console.log(test);     test= "I'm a checking"; will get the same result. An indication of this behavior is that both examples will log undefined to the console. If var test; wouldn’t always be on the top it would throw a ReferenceError. This behavior called hoisting applies to var and also to let/const. As mentioned above, accessing a var variable before its declaration will return undefined as this is the value JavaScript assigns when initializing it. But accessing a let/const variable before its declaration will throw an ...